... pro salute animarum | ... for the Salvation of Souls
About Us

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel

A Private Chapel established July 2023

OLMC Chapel is a private Chapel where the Tridentine Mass and traditional sacraments are offered. It is a place for Divine Worship for the benefit of one or more physical persons as defined by Canon 1277.

The Chapel is a non-profit corporation registered with the IRS and the State of Georgia and has 501(c)(3) status.

More information can be obtained by emailing ObscureMail.

Brief History

A bit of background about the Latin Mass in Zebulon. The founders are cradle Catholics, married for 60+ years and obviously the Tridentine (Traditional Latin Mass - TLM) was the only Mass in their youth and early adulthood. In recent years they were members of both Traditional parishes North of Atlanta. Moving closer to either one wasn’t an option for them; they did, however, consider renting an apartment which would cut down on the number of times they would have to make the drive there.

About 6 years ago (2018), or perhaps longer, Catholics South of Atlanta tried without success through the Archdiocese to have the TLM available. When it became apparent that the almost two hour trip for the founders to assist at Mass at either location was too much for health and safey reasons, they contacted each fraternity/society who offer the TLM as well as talked to the local pastor or chaplain. None had any plans to set up the offering of the TLM South of Atlanta. They also contacted 5 Archdiocesan priests who they had learned could say the TLM but because of their commitments they too weren’t available.

They then began email correspondence with the Coalition for Canceled Priests. Finally in a phone conversation with the Administrative Assistant they explained what their hopes were and what their financial commitment would be. She contacted a cancelled priest who in turn contacted the founders and after discussing their hopes and what their financial commitment would be; the decision was made that the priest would fly to Atlanta to sort out the steps necessary for moving forward to establish a private Chapel. This happened in early July 2023.

Thus Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel was born. A house was rented and a room is used for the Chapel and another room for the Sacristy. The remainder of the house is the residence for the priest.

Daily Masses, Holy Day Masses and Sunday Masses are being said by the priest or by visiting priests in his absence. Confession is available beginning 30 minutes before each Mass. The Rosary begins 30 minutes before each Mass as well.

Our Patron Saints

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

The title "Our Lady of Mount Carmel" first derives from the experience of the prophet Elijah who, on Mount Carmel, challenged the worshipers of false gods to a contest (see 3 Kings 18.20-40). Ever since the time of Elijah, the mountain has been considered sacred and hermits have always occupied a spot on the mountain where they were devoted to a life of austerity and prayer.

this is a great image

St Sabina

Sabina lived in the second century. A Roman noble, she was was killed in hatred of the faith by decapitation. According to the best information available, Sabina was a Pagan, given in marriage to a Senator, Valentinus. She converted to Christianity through the influence of a slave girl, Serapia. Her first class relic is embedded in our Altar.

St John Newmann

John Nepomucene Neumann CSsR was a Bohemian-born American prelate of the Catholic Church. An immigrant from Bohemia, he came to the United States in 1836, where he was ordained, joined the Redemptorist order, and became the fourth Bishop of Philadelphia in 1852.

Ways To Support Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel is a private chapel. Those who desire may attach themselves to the chapel as members. OLMC Chapel is registered with the IRS and Georgia as a non-profit and a 501(c)(3) religious organization; thus, your donations/contributions/gift-in-kind are tax deductible.

  • For Expenses

    Those who associate with the Chapel and benefactors contribute either at Mass, via mail, or with our online option by clicking the donations button above.

  • Chapel Financial Support

    The monthly operation cost for the Chapel is $4,500.00. This includes a modest stipend for the Chaplain, Chapel supplies (wine, candles, etc.), rent, car and general liability insurance and maintenance. Any contribution that you can make to this, whether regularly or episodically, would be greatly appreciated.

  • Mass Intentions

    If you would like for the Chaplain to offer a Mass for a particular intention, the recommended Mass stipend is $20.00 per Mass. The recommended stipend for Gregorian Masses is $800.00.

  • Priestly Attire

    Currently, the Chaplain owns two cassocks and two albs. If you would like to offer a donation that will allow him to acquire additional cassocks and albs, estimated costs are: Cassock: $407.00 Lace Alb: $236.00 it would be greatly appreciated.

  • Chapel Beautification

    A wood 18" in height crucifix with corpus is needed.

  • Sacristy & Confessional

    IKEA Wardrobe (for vestment storage, etc): $1,238.00 Collapsable Sacristy Table (for vesting): $450.00. Confessional Screen (cost of materials): $850.00 Confessional Screen (labor): $350.00

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel

A Private Chapel located in Zebulon, GA