Sung from the first Sunday of Advent until the Feast of the Purification on February 2 (the original ending date of the Christmas season), this prayer tells of Gabriel's announcement, and of Mary's divine motherhood.
The Chapel has adopted Our Lady as it’s patron under the title, Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Under this title, the Blessed Virgin Mary entrusted the Brown Scapular and the promises which adhere to the Catholic Church through the Order of Preachers.
The Chapel is also dedicated to St Joseph. O Saint Joseph, do assist us by your powerful intercession and obtain for us from your divine Son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, so that having experienced here below your heavenly power, we may offer our thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of fathers.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Chapel is a private chapel. Those who desire may attach themselves to the chapel as members. OLMC Chapel is registered with the IRS and Georgia as a non-profit and a 501(c)(3) religious organization; thus, your donations/ contributions/and gifts-in-kind are tax deductible. As with all such organizations, donations and contributions are essential for the Chapel’s continued existence, beautification and growth. Your generous support is both welcomed and greatly appreciated. An offering box is located on the entry table to receive your gifts. If you would like more information about specific needs, please send an email to ObscureDonations, or click on Donations above or speak with the Chaplain after Mass. May God bless your kindness to us.
Location: 114 Banks St, Zebulon GA 30295
Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum: Sed tantum dic verbo et sanabitur anima mea.
Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my soul shall be healed.
All Roman Catholics in the state of sanctifying grace are welcomed to receive Holy Communion. Non-Catholics and those who do not accept the Traditional teachings of the Catholic Church in matters of Faith and Morals are not to receive Communion at Mass.
A three hour fast is recommended before receiving Holy Communion, although a one hour fast is presently binding under Church Law. Those who can fast from midnight for morning Mass are encouraged to do so.
Kneel at the rail, following the other communicants. As the priest comes toward you, close your eyes, extend your tongue, and remain perfectly still. Do not say Amen.
Out of respect for Our Lord and mutual edification, men and women should dress with modesty and dignity.
Ladies, according to apostolic custom, are asked to have their heads covered in the Chapel with either a hat or a ladies’ chapel veil. Chapel veils are available in the Chapel vestibule for those who don’t have one. Dresses or skirts are the proper attire, and these should be mid-calf (even if one is wearing stockings or leggings). Slacks or trousers do not meet the norms of Christian modesty for ladies, nor do dresses that are sleeveless, low cut, or shorter than mid-calf.
For Gentlemen, a coat and tie are most fitting (jeans, t-shirts, and shorts are not appropriate attire for Church).
The Chapel in most instances uses the Pre '55 Eucharistic Calendar and Altar Missal
Those assisting at Masses at the Chapel typically will use the St Andrew or the Father Lasance Missals; however the other Missals are suitable for most Masses
To view an Outline of Changes to the Roman Missal between 1955 and 1962 click:
In addition to Weekly, Holy Day and if possible daily assisting at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and worthy reception of Holy Communion; faithful are encoraged to pray the Rosary daily as well as go to Confession frequently. Monthly Confession is encouraged.
A Private Chapel located in Zebulon, GA